My horns are antennas, my head dances in the Universe.
I channel cosmic energy which reaches the centre of the Earth
It then comes back to me in my pumping veins’
‘I like to get dirty, I like to push the frogs back to the pond,
I like sex and I like wondering around.
At times I turn my head towards the empty field next to my house
I then connect with my Essence’
Practising animal communication has been for me
and many other practitioners a journey of recalibration
of life perception, of convergence of consciousness,
of personal growth combined with a sense of increased


Welcome in our subtle sensory field the dynamics of
interspecies communication, where the boundaries beetwen
the body, emotions and soul are less defined because of the
absence of the rational mind, it is for me an honour and a
duty at the same time.


Listen to their experience and innate wisdom, sending
messages and asking questions, understanding the
undetected role they often have and personality type,
tuning oneself into lighter state of beings although external
circumstances appear to be difficult, having an indication to
their health condition and providing support and understanding
through disarmony whether emotional or envyronmental, all this
is facilitated through this practice.




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